2010–2016: PhD in Mathematics. The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Advisor: Victor Ginzburg.
2010–2012: MS in Mathematics. The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
2006–2010: SB (Bachelor of Science) in Mathematics with Computer Science. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
GPA 4.9 out of 5.
2024–present: Senior Lecturer (Level C), Mathematical Sciences Institute, Australian National University (ANU), Canberra
2018–2023: Lecturer (Level B), Mathematical Sciences Institute, Australian National University (ANU), Canberra
2016–2017: Assistant Professor (Limited Term), Department of Mathematics, University of Georgia (UGA), Athens, GA
Papers and preprints
MatrixNet: Learning over symmetry groups using learned group representations (with Lucas Laird, Circe Hsu, Robin Walters) Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2024
Some remarks about the faithfulness of the Burau representation of Artin–Tits groups (with Hoel Queffelec) Preprint (submitted).
Wigglyhedra (with Vincent Pilaud) To appear in Mathematische Zeitschrift.
\(q\)-deformed rational numbers and the 2-Calabi–Yau category of type \(A_{2}\) (with Louis Becker, Anthony Licata) Forum of Mathematics, Sigma, 11, e47 (2023).
Spherical objects and stability conditions on 2-Calabi–Yau quiver categories (with Anand Deopurkar, Anthony Licata) Mathematische Zeitschrift 303, 13 (2023).
A Thurston compactification of the space of stability conditions (with Anand Deopurkar, Anthony Licata) Preprint (submitted).
Recollement for perverse sheaves on real hyperplane arrangements Journal of Algebra, 568 (2021), pp. 61–90
The strong topological monodromy conjecture for Coxeter hyperplane arrangements (with Robin Walters) Mathematical Research Letters 24 (2017), no. 4, 947–954
Torus actions and tensor products of intersection cohomology Pacific Journal of Mathematics 276 (2015), pp. 19–34
Lower central series of free algebras in symmetric tensor categories (with David Jordan) Journal of Algebra, 373 (2013), pp. 299–311
2024–2026: The geometry of braids and triangulated categories, ARC DECRA grant DE240100447 (AUD 468000), ANU
2024–2026: Stability conditions: their topology and applications, ARC Discovery Project grant DP240101084 (AUD 419421), ANU
Jointly held with Anand Deopurkar and Anthony M. Licata.
2016–2018: AMS-Simons travel grant, Grant for research travel (USD 4000), UGA
Academic and teaching awards
Anne Penfold street award, 2023
Dean's Commendation for Excellence in Education (for Teaching Excellence), ANU, 2021.
Nadine Kowalsky Fellowship, University of Chicago, 2016.
Jerry Rao Fellowship, University of Chicago, 2014–2015.
Young Researcher at the 2nd Heidelberg Laureate Forum, Heidelberg, Germany, 2014.
Lawrence and Josephine Graves Teaching Prize, University of Chicago, 2014.
Amick Fellowship, University of Chicago, 2010–2012.
Phi Beta Kappa, MIT, 2010.
Rogers Prize for best paper, Summer Program in Undergraduate Research, MIT, 2009.
Indian National Mathematical Olympiad (INMO) scholarship, 2005.
International Astronomy Olympiad, Silver medal (2005) and Gold medal (2003).
Australian National University
2024 Semester 2: Algebra 3: Advanced Topics in Algebra (MATH3354/MATH6216)
2023 Semester 2: Games, Graphs, and Machines (MATH2301)
2022 Semester 2: Games, Graphs, and Machines (MATH2301)
2021 Spring Semester: Mathematics and Applications 2 (MATH1014)
2021 Semester 2: Games, Graphs, and Machines (MATH2301)
2021 Summer Session: Representation theory (IBL reading course)
2020 Spring Semester: Mathematics and Applications 2 (MATH1014)
2020 Semester 1: Perverse Sheaves (half of a special topics course on Perverse Sheaves and Deligne–Lusztig theory)
2020 Semester 2: Games, Graphs, and Machines (MATH2301)
2019 Semester 1: Advanced Studies Extension for Analysis I (MATH2320).
2018–2019 Summer Session: Introduction to the theory of Computation (reading course)
2018 Semester 2: Mathematical Foundations for Actuarial Studies (MATH 1113), Linear Algebra.
2018 Semester 1: Advanced Studies Extension for Analysis I (MATH2320).
University of Georgia
Fall 2017: Precalculus (Math 1113).
Fall 2017: Graduate Algebra (Math 8000).
Spring 2017: Calculus II for Science and Engineering (Math 2260).
Fall 2016: Calculus I for Science and Engineering (Math 2250).
University of Chicago
2015–2016: IBL Honors Calculus I and II (Math 161 and 162).
2014–2015: Studies in Mathematics I and II (Math 112 and 113).
Summer 2014: Linear Algebra (Math 196).
2013–2014: Calculus I, II, and III (Math 151, 152, and 153).
2012–2013: Calculus I, II, and III (Math 151, 152, and 153).
2011–2012: College fellow for Honors Algebra I, II, and III (Math 257, 258, and 259).
Canada/USA Mathcamp
Summer 2015: Academic coordinator and mentor. Coordinated the academic schedule, invited visiting speakers, and taught several undergraduate-level courses.
Summer 2013: Mentor. Taught several undergraduate-level courses.
Summer 2012: Mentor. Taught several undergraduate-level courses.