Asilata Bapat


Australian National University

  • 2024 Semester 2: Algebra 3: Advanced Topics in Algebra (MATH3354/MATH6216)
  • 2023 Semester 2: Games, Graphs, and Machines (MATH2301)
  • 2022 Semester 2: Games, Graphs, and Machines (MATH2301)
  • 2021 Spring Semester: Mathematics and Applications 2 (MATH1014)
  • 2021 Semester 2: Games, Graphs, and Machines (MATH2301)
  • 2021 Summer Session: Representation theory (IBL reading course)
  • 2020 Spring Semester: Mathematics and Applications 2 (MATH1014)
  • 2020 Semester 1: Perverse Sheaves (half of a special topics course on Perverse Sheaves and Deligne–Lusztig theory)
  • 2020 Semester 2: Games, Graphs, and Machines (MATH2301)
  • 2019 Semester 1: Advanced Studies Extension for Analysis I (MATH2320).
  • 2018–2019 Summer Session: Introduction to the theory of Computation (reading course)
  • 2018 Semester 2: Mathematical Foundations for Actuarial Studies (MATH 1113), Linear Algebra.
  • 2018 Semester 1: Advanced Studies Extension for Analysis I (MATH2320).

University of Georgia

  • Fall 2017: Precalculus (Math 1113).
  • Fall 2017: Graduate Algebra (Math 8000).
  • Spring 2017: Calculus II for Science and Engineering (Math 2260).
  • Fall 2016: Calculus I for Science and Engineering (Math 2250).

University of Chicago

  • 2015–2016: IBL Honors Calculus I and II (Math 161 and 162).
  • 2014–2015: Studies in Mathematics I and II (Math 112 and 113).
  • Summer 2014: Linear Algebra (Math 196).
  • 2013–2014: Calculus I, II, and III (Math 151, 152, and 153).
  • 2012–2013: Calculus I, II, and III (Math 151, 152, and 153).
  • 2011–2012: College fellow for Honors Algebra I, II, and III (Math 257, 258, and 259).

Canada/USA Mathcamp

  • Summer 2015: Academic coordinator and mentor. Coordinated the academic schedule, invited visiting speakers, and taught several undergraduate-level courses.
  • Summer 2013: Mentor. Taught several undergraduate-level courses.
  • Summer 2012: Mentor. Taught several undergraduate-level courses.